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The paintings in Ajanta and Ellora caves are indicative of the development of art under which dynasty?

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The paintings in Ajanta and Ellora caves are indicative of the development of art under which dynasty?
posted Jul 9, 2017 by Sisir Jana

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The paintings in Ajanta and Ellora caves are indicative of the development of art under Rashtrakuta dynasty. This dynasty ruling large parts of the Indian subcontinent between the sixth and 10th centuries. The early kings of this dynasty were influenced by Hinduism and the later kings by Jainism. Architecture reached a milestone during this dynasty, the finest example of which is seen in the Kailasanath Temple at Ellora in modern Maharashtra. Other important contributions are the Kashivishvanatha temple and the Jain Narayana temple at Pattadakal in modern Karnataka.

answer Jul 17, 2017 by Nemai Jana
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