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Why did Rakhi Sawant tell that Modi ji has broken her heart?

+2 votes
Why did Rakhi Sawant tell that Modi ji has broken her heart?
posted Mar 16, 2016 by Harprith

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2 Answers

+1 vote

The actress, Rakhi Sawant who had not so long ago, sung praises of NaMo, has changed her stance completely. She says: "I'm still a big fan of Modi ji, but honestly speaking, he has broken my heart. I believed in his promises like the rest of my countrymen, but what did we get? Modi ji had said that he will bring black money back to India from all those foreign banks. But where is the black money? We are still waiting for it! The countrymen are still as poor as ever. Poverty is still a major issue for millions of Indians. Where are those 'achche din' that Modi ji had promised? The fact is that we all are emotional fools and Modi ji played blithely with our emotions. And now we will have to suffer for next few years because we are the ones who played in his hands."

answer Mar 21, 2016 by Ramya
0 votes

The actress, who had not so long ago, sung praises of NaMo, has changed her stance completely. She says: "I'm still a big fan of Modi ji, but honestly speaking, he has broken my heart. I believed in his promises like the rest of my countrymen, but what did we get? Babaji ka thullu?"

answer Mar 22, 2016 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay