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If there is only one GST, why do we find SGST and CGST both added on the bill?

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If there is only one GST, why do we find SGST and CGST both added on the bill?
posted Dec 14, 2017 by Prajwal C.m.

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The GST is a composite tax. In other country , it is collect unified and distributed in federal and state 9 If it is federal one) , in other case all goes th the credit to the federal Government. Due to making states demand , they are keen to reserve their prerogative , the GST is subdivide in central and state GST.

This is not the last word, The states ensured by the center , that if there is shortfall of revenue , the center will make god the loss, hence there is cess on some high end products. That implies that states has Jagir and they will extort money by hook and cook like Zaminder. moreover, they did not relinquished the Agricultural Income Tax and wants more and more money above the share in Income Tax etc.

The State reserved more taxes on Liquor, Motor Spirit , Coocking Gas and Stamp duty and Tax on vehicle and so on. So the opposition states may be blamed to make uncosy the GST and tax collection process and in return we get road with pothole, inferior serviceby police and hospitals and harassed for basic services like ration card etc.

answer Dec 15, 2017 by Amrita