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What are the requirements for becoming a bank teller?

+2 votes

Were any of you hired as a bank teller with no experience or degree? What degree or experience was required for you to land this position?

posted Oct 6, 2017 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes

I live in California and when I became a bank teller I had to be bonded. That meant background check my fingerprints they needed and some other information just to make sure I didn't have a criminal past

answer Jul 17, 2019 by Comeback Tuesday
0 votes

Primary duties for bank tellers are:

Counting the cash drawer at the beginning and end of every shift
Issuing money orders and cashier's checks and other alternate forms of payment
Recording transactions in customer accounts
Placing orders for checks or bank cards
Assisting with opening or closing a bank account
Suggesting services for customer accounts and refer customers to loan officers or other banking agents

answer Jul 17, 2020 by Chetan Pawar