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What are the eligibility criteria that an incubator will go through before issuing a recommendation letter?

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What are the eligibility criteria that an incubator will go through before issuing a recommendation letter?
posted Jul 25, 2017 by Adarsh

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Before issuing a recommendation letter, the incubator must go through the following eligibility criteria of an entity.

  • The entity must aim at innovation, development and commercialization of new products and services
  • The existing entity must focus on the improvement of their products and services and generate or increases the value for customers or workflow.
  • If the products or services of an entity lacks the potential for commercialization, he/she will not get a letter of recommendation.
  • The products or services must have limited incremental value for customers in order to get a recommendation letter.
answer Jul 27, 2017 by Rani Das