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Disabling Naggle's algorithm / Setting tcpNoDelay programatically for web sockets

+1 vote

As per tomcat's performance tuning doc, 'tcpNoDelay' can be enabled/disabled at connector level.

Is there a programmatic way to set 'tcpNoDelay' to true for web socket connections ? I am using tomcat's proprietary web socket APIs in my application.

I have gone though the API documentation of tomcat's proprietary web socket implementation, I didn't see any API which allows application to override the 'tcpNoDelay' value.

As per doc for "writeTextMessage(CharBuffer msgCb)" of 'WsOutbound', for each write, tomcat flushes the socket buffer and sends the new frame with the buffer passed. Does that mean, flushing of socket buffer gives the same effect of disabling naggle's algorithm ?

posted Jun 25, 2015 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes

Is there a programmatic way to set 'tcpNoDelay' to true for web socket connections ? I am using tomcat's proprietary web socket APIs in my application.


...Does that mean, flushing of socket buffer gives the same effect of disabling naggle's algorithm ?

I don't know. The Javadoc only guarantees that the bytes will be passed to the OS when flush() is called. What happens after that is up to the OS.

You'll need to do some testing on your system (possibly with Wireshark) to see exactly what is going on.

answer Jun 25, 2015 by Ahmed Patel
0 votes

As far as I know I am not sure how to do it using websockets, but generatlly the method to do this is using setsockopt with option to TCP_NODELAY.

answer Jun 25, 2015 by Rajendra Stalekar
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