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Can we force Garbage Collection in Java, if yes then how?

+3 votes
Can we force Garbage Collection in Java, if yes then how?
posted Oct 22, 2014 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I agree with Salil's view. However there is lot changes in JVM spec w.r.t GC. and it depends on GC implementation however JSR says that call to GC must be a suggestion to GC daemon thread and not a immediate higher thread priority to execute.

answer May 4, 2015 by Priya Ranjan Kumar
0 votes

You can not force garbage collection. Only you can call System.gc() which simply is a hint to the garbage collector that you want it to do a garbage collection.

There is no way to force and immediate collection though as garbage collector is non-deterministic.

answer Oct 22, 2014 by Salil Agrawal