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Under what conditions is DII appropriate?

+2 votes
Under what conditions is DII appropriate?
posted Jan 11, 2014 by Gaurav Sharma

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1 Answer

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The dynamic nature of DII provides certain advantages over SII. The following types of applications would require or benefit from DII:
Browsers for CORBA services (Naming, IR)
Application browsers
Bridges (protocol converters)
Applications accessing huge numbers of different interfaces
Monitoring applications
Applications which utilize DII do not need to include or import stubs generated by an IDL compiler in order to access a service. Applications like object browsers or monitors can access ANY objects without previous (complile time) knowledge of the interface. Using DII is more tedious than coding w/ SII. The DII interfaces must be used to specify the operation and each parameter's type and value. Type checking must be done by the developer using CORBA defined typecodes.

answer Jan 11, 2014 by Vikas Upadhyay