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Error with python 3.3.2 and https

0 votes

I am trying to write a program that requires me hitting a https web link. However, I can't seem to get it to work. The program works fine when dealing with http sites, however, when I try it with a https site I get

socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed

It seems like it has something to do with the ssl not working, however, I do have the in the python library and I have no problem importing it.

My code is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

import urllib.request
auth = urllib.request.HTTPSHandler()
proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http':'my proxy'})
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy, auth)
f ='')
posted May 23, 2013 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Can you post working code for HTTP and nonworking for HTTPS? There was no SSL in the code you posted. Or are you saying it's really just that you change the URL and it stops working? If so, I don't think we can test it without having your proxy... you may want to talk to whoever controls the proxy.

answer May 23, 2013 by anonymous
Yeah that is the case. Once I change the f ='website') line to a link that has a https I get that socket error. Nothing else changes. I was reading online and came across this site which shows you how if the version of python installed supports ssl.

When I followed the instructions I got that it wasn't supported, although the is in the lib directory. Python was installed from the official python page using the windows installer. Is somehow ssl disabled by default? Do I need to get a third party ssl module?
Unfortunately those instructions don't work for Python 3... or at least, if they do, then both of my handy installations (one Windows, one Linux) don't have SSL. However, I *can* do 'import ssl' and 'import _ssl', the latter of which is what Lib/ checks for.
In Python 3.3's Lib/ there's no mention of ssl anywhere, so I'd be inclined to look elsewhere for support checks.
0 votes

Check the name of your proxy; maybe you can't resolve it. Can you identify your proxy by IP address? By omitting the proxy part, I can quite happily make a direct request using code like yours.

answer May 23, 2013 by anonymous
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##### vHost 9099 is for basic auth with HTTPS #####
Listen *:9099
<VirtualHost *:9099>

        DocumentRoot    /my/doc/root/
        SSLEngine on
        RewriteEngine On
        AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode

        ProxyRequests On

        # SSL configuration

        SSLCertificateFile       /Path to cert.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile    /Path to private key
        SSLCACertificateFile     /Path to CA certs

        ##  Basic64  Encoded XXXX od user and passwd in header

         RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic XXXXX"

         ##  Endpoints accessed via https with basic authentication in header

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         ProxyPassReverse /api/api1/

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