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C: Write a compact code to reverse the singly linked list using recursion?

+2 votes

I am looking for sample code which can impress an interviewer.

posted Aug 31, 2016 by Rupam

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2 Answers

0 votes

I wrote a function and tested. Code is as following:

void rvsLinkedLst(Node *node, Node **newHead)
if (node == NULLP || node->next == NULLP)
*newHead = node;
rvsLinkedLst(node->next, newHead);
node->next->next = node;
node->next = NULLP;

answer Sep 3, 2016 by Neeraj Mishra
0 votes

Hi Neeraj, Your code can be optimized as following:

Node* rvsLinkedLst(Node *node)
Node *newHead = NULLP;
if (node == NULLP || node->next == NULLP)
return node;
new Head = rvsLinkedLst(node->next);
node->next->next = node;
node->next = NULLP;
return newHead;

answer Sep 4, 2016 by Harshita