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IPERF problem in openstack between VMs?

+1 vote

In VEPC, in openstack I created three VM's and when I pump data using iperf, client is sending data in application layer and the data is going through our LTE stack in receiver side it is reaching till UE ( downlink ) but iperf server is not showing the receiving data, why?
Is it a problem with mtu size? What should I change in openstack?

posted Jul 18, 2016 by Ramachandran A

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Is it UDP or TCP, try with -u for UDP and -t for TCP.
Making a guess based on the problem statement, my analysis may be wrong -
TCP traffic is connection oriented traffic so most likely ACK are not there from UE hence IPERF is not showing....
It's UDP iperf command was
client : iperf -c -i 1 -u -t 60 -b 10M -p 1234
server : iperf -s -i 1 -u -p 1234
Try with both TCP and UDP, to check if there is any difference
Also to make sure iperf is correct run the iperf between two linux machine and see if everything is fine then use the same.
Any update?
No difference between UDP and TCP same response
Were you able to run same iperf command between two linux machine and getting the desired result. Basically want to make sure if iperf command is correct, then only we should look into network issue as UE getting the packets so its less likely that network has issues...
yes i was able to get the desired output.The same when i run in VEPC  ( ie) in openstack using vm iperf server is not receiving  the downlink data in the UE side. But UE is receiving data. why?
I can only make a guess from here as I have no access of your system...
From the statement it seems UE is dropping the Data so not reaching to the server. Now reason could be many so narrow down the possibilities and then debug.
1. Connectivity between UE and iperf have issues.
2. message size UE is receiving beyond limit.
mtu size is approximate to 1550 with headers
Debug at UE by just sending few packets and you should be able to get the reasoning.  From outside its difficult to comment...

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| Variable_name | Value | 
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| Handler_read_next | ********** | 
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