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If I want to become a Fullstack Scala Developer, which technology stack I should learn?

+1 vote
If I want to become a Fullstack Scala Developer, which technology stack I should learn?
posted Jun 28, 2016 by Satyam

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1 Answer

+2 votes

If you want to become a Fullstack Scala Developer, you should learn the following technology stack:

1.Scala 2.11.7
2.Play 2.4.6 Framework
3.Akka 2.3 Framework
4.One Build Tool: SBT/Maven
5.One JS Framework: CoffeeScript/JavaScript
6.One IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 15/ Eclipse IDE 4.x
7.One TDD & BDD Framework: ScalaTest,Spec2,ScalaCheck,Mockito
8.Micro Services with Play and Scala
11.Functional Programming Design Patterns
12.Machine Learning with Scala

answer Jun 28, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey