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DOES Multiple credit service control avp is mandatory for credit control charging(gy)

+3 votes

I had a doubt on the multiple service credit control AVP for charging. I have seen some pcap traces where RSU, USU, GSU AVPs are sending within MSCC, and out of MSCC avps.

Does MSCC block is mandatory for Online Charging System, can you please the reason also?

posted Nov 24, 2015 by Dhinesh Ram

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2 Answers

+1 vote

As per my understanding in LTE network MSCC is needed. However in some other legacy network RSU GSU come outside the MSCC AVP

Peeyush Sharma

answer Dec 1, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
Thanks for the reply peeyush
0 votes

MSCC gives added advantage in case if you are running different traffics under the different service id and rating Group combination.

answer Oct 16, 2016 by Sanjeet Singh
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+3 votes

I'm doing some integration toward Gy client (PCEF), and encountered an unclear area. I'm not sure if it is unclear in RFC 4006 or the 3GPP TS32.299 or both.

Scenario: A user logs on. The user has no credit left for a rating-group 42.

CCR-initial and CCA-initial:
Nothing interesting. In Gy it is typically just "empty" requests for the purpose of registering the user session.

The user then attempts to use rating-group 32:


 Multiple-Services-Credit-Control {
 Rating-Group = 42
 Requested-Service-Unit {

to which the OCS (Gy server) would normally respond:


 Result-Code = 2001 (success)
 Multiple-Services-Credit-Control {
 Rating-Group = 42
 Result-Code = 4012 (credit-limit-reached)
 Final-Unit-Indication {

However, the Gy specification says that a zero-grant is needed, which to me sounds a bit odd, but nevertheless:

Result-Code = 2001 (success)
 Multiple-Services-Credit-Control {
 Rating-Group = 42
 Result-Code = 4012 (credit-limit-reached)
 Granted-Service-Unit {
 CC-Total-Octets = 0
 Final-Unit-Indication {

Now, the Gy client vendor says that the result-code inside the MSCC must be 2001 (success). It sort of makes sense because there is a grant.

But that made me wonder: In which case would result-code=4012 make sense? Is it just 3GPP who has "mangled" diameter-credit-control in the Gy application?
