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Ubuntu: I am trying to figure out how to get my sever to come back up to operation on a power failure.

+2 votes

I am trying to figure out how to get my sever to come back up to operation on a power failure. Right now it comes up and gives me three choices. I don't want the bloody choices I just want it to straight reboot so can run it headless!

Any help appreciated.

posted Jul 11, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Have a look at

As an example, here are the lines which might be relevant of /etc/default/grub of a headless server:

answer Jul 11, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
You don't even need to wait the single second for GRUB to display the menu, and then another second for the default choice to be run - just set GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT and GRUB_TIMEOUT to 0. And of course run 'update-grub' after editing.
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