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Time out after 600 for YARN mapreduce application

+1 vote

I keep encountering an error when running nutch on hadoop YARN:

AttemptID:attempt_1423062241884_9970_m_000009_0 Timed out after 600 secs

Some info on my setup. I'm running a 64 nodes cluster with hadoop 2.4.1. Each node has 4 cores, 1 disk and 24Gb of RAM, and the namenode/resourcemanager has the same specs only with 8 cores.

I am pretty sure one of these parameters is to the threshold I'm hitting: 

but I would like to understand why.

The issue usually appears under heavier load, and most of the time the on the next attempts it is successful. Also if I restart the Hadoop cluster the error goes away for some time.

posted Feb 11, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Looking into attemptID, this is mapper task getting timed out in MapReduce job. The configuration that can be used to increase the value is 'mapreduce.task.timeout'.

The task timed out is because if there is no heartbeat from MapperTask(YarnChild) to MRAppMaster for 10 mins. Does MR job is custom job? If so any operation are you doing in cleanup() of Mapper ? Sometimes there would be possible that if cleanup() of Mapper is taking more time greater than timedout configured that result in task to timeout.

answer Feb 11, 2015 by Sumit Pokharna
Thank you for the quick reply.   

I will modify the value to check if this is the threshold I'm hitting, but I was thinking of decreasing it because my jobs take to long If they get this time out. I would rather fail fast, than keep the cluster busy with jobs stuck in timeouts. Ideally I would like to troubleshoot the issue and not fail at all J .  

My MR job is not a custom one it is a job from Nutch 1.8 . Actually there are several jobs from Nutch that fail (ex: Generator, Indexer ).  

Also because this is related to Nutch 1.8 also should I move the question to the Nutch mailing list?

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int max_sum=0; 
int mean=0;
int count=0;
Text max_occured_key=new Text();
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Text count_key=new Text("Count : ");
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high low medium high low high low large small medium

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low - 3--------maximum

large - 1------minimum

small - 1------minimum

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