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Python: Searching through more than one file.

+2 votes

I need to search through a directory of text files for a string. Here is a short program I made in the past to search through a single text file for a line of text.

How can I modify the code to search through a directory of files that have different filenames, but the same extension?

fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ") #"*.txt"
fh = open(fname)
lst = list()
for line in fh:
for out in biglst:
 if out not in final:
print (final)
posted Dec 28, 2014 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

There are multiple ways to this.

1) Using glob module.

import glob
import os
search_string=raw_inout("Enter the search string: ")
file_extension=raw_input("Enter file extension: ")
os.chdir("/mydir")  #Use absolute pathname of the directory in place of mydir
for file in glob.glob("*." + file_extension):
    with open(file,r'rb') as search_file:
    for line in lines:
        if search_string in line:

print  "Files containing the string being searched are: "
for file in result_file_list:
    print file

2) Using subprocess module. This is similar to using shell script.

import sys
import subprocess
file_extension=raw_input("Enter file extension: ") 
proc=subprocess.Popen("ls -LR " + "/MYDIRECTORYFULLPATH" + " | grep ."+                                

Now stdout gives u the list of all files with the required extension. Now iterate through the list of files and do as done above or whatever is your requirement.

answer Dec 29, 2014 by Prakash
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INFO (6): songza.amie.history - ENQUEUEING: /listen/the-station-one

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import re

pattern = re.compile(r'ENQUEUEING: /listen/(.*)')
count = 0

for line in open('error.log'):
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 if m:
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### ###

from mymodule.MyLogger import MyLogger
from mymodule.MyConfig import MyConfig

##### ##########
from mymodule import MyConfig,MyLogger

#Both methods are static
key,logfile,loglevel = MyConfig().get_config('Logging')
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2013-05-21 17:20:37,192 - my_test - 17 - CRITICAL - **********.19
2013-05-21 17:20:37,192 - my_test - 17 - CRITICAL - **********.19
2013-05-21 17:20:37,192 - my_test - 17 - CRITICAL - **********.19
2013-05-21 17:20:37,192 - my_test - 17 - CRITICAL - **********.19