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What is cell edge and cell center UEs in LTE?

+1 vote
What is cell edge and cell center UEs in LTE?
posted Dec 17, 2014 by Gnanendra Reddy

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1 Answer

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There are some techniques to reduce the interference of the cell. One of the ICIC technique is SFR(soft frequency reuse). As per this technique all radio resources of eNodeB are divided in two part(cell center and cell edge). eNodeB allocate any one (either cell center or cell edge resource ) to UE. On the basis of allocated radio resources we can classify the UE as cell edge or cell center UE.

answer Dec 18, 2014 by Veer Pal Singh Yadav
If ue is at cell centre it means it is having more resources if UE is at cell edge it is having less resources is it correct?
Total resources are divided in two parts between cell edge and cell center UEs. Suppose X radio resources are reserved for cell edge UEs and total radio resources - X will be available for cell center UEs. Any one of the radio resource would be shared among the UEs of that location.
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