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Git detects changes after new branch created and switched even though files have not been changed

+1 vote

Running on Windows with latest version of Git. 1.9.4. Also had this trouble with 1.8.2 but upgraded hoping it would fix the problem.

When I do a reset on several files, it says they were successfully reverted they still show up as modified when I do a git status. In this case it's just a newline character at the end of the file. I also tried a reset -- hard and they files still show up! What the heck! Help please.

In trying to reproduce this, I re-cloned the git repo from the server, which was in the exact clean state before I started last time. No files have been modified after cloning, all are identical. Then, I created a new branch (totally new, not tracking a remote branch). Viola - I now have these files show up in my git status as modified. Please note that these are files that have been tracked for several previous commits.

Just to clarify - the only command I ran to make this happen is: git checkout -b newbranch

And GitGui shows the files as identical even when compare whitespace is turned on.

posted Aug 6, 2014 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

Just a guess - the problem might be the options (gitconfig and gitattributes) affecting how Git deals with end-of-line characters.

answer Aug 6, 2014 by Arjuna
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