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How to print a string without using header file ‪stdio.h and printf function in C?

+2 votes
How to print a string without using header file ‪stdio.h and printf function in C?
posted Jul 16, 2014 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+3 votes

Your question is to print a string without :

1> including "stdio.h" header file
2> Not using printf function
: If stdio.h is not included, then printf( ) cannot be used.

If the above stated requirement is correct, then you can use 'write' function to print string.

#include "unistd.h" /* Please use < > instead of " " */

int main( )
      write(1, "Query Home", 10);
      return 0;

write( ) -> Takes 3 argument:

1> The File Descriptor
2> The String to be printed (Buffer)
3> Size of the buffer (Count)

For more information, refer man pages

=> man 2 write

answer Jul 16, 2014 by Deepak D
+1 vote

You can print the string without using stdio.h and printf, but for that you have to use system cal. First close the stdout buffer. See the below program.

Int fd;
char a[] = "hello friends\n";
fd = open(filename,O_RDWR);

answer Sep 22, 2014 by anonymous