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Your offline data will synchronize with the MySQL cluster on your web host?

+1 vote

if you set up your LAN MySQL server in to cluster, will it make the new data's entered on a laptop MySQL database that is not connected on the LAN synchronize with the cluster, once that laptop got connected with the LAN again? Is it also possible to set up a cluster on a web host MySQL, so that when you log in on the online database, your offline data will synchronize with the MySQL cluster on your web host?

posted May 15, 2014 by Deepak Chitragar

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1 Answer

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You need to do something more like replication and not clustering - Suggested Link is here.

Clustering is used for high availability / high usage. You would need multiple independent servers attached with a minimum 10/1000 ethernet connection. Clustering requires using the NDB storage engine where the entire database is held in memory. It's a very complicated and expensive setup, and would not work if the servers aren't directly connected and always on.

Replication also does not work well unless the servers are always connected. It generally ends in a data mismatch and then the servers stop replicating.

answer May 16, 2014 by Aastha Joshi
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