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Does UE reports neighbor cells in order of RSRP in measurement report of A3 event ?

+1 vote

Does UE reports neighbor cells in order of RSRP in measurement report of A3 event ?

posted Nov 11, 2013 by Harikrishna Vobilishetti

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I think you are asking about the MeasResult order. Yes, UE reports the cells in MeasResult in the order of RSRP.

2 Answers

+3 votes

Yes , UE report A3 when neighbor cell(s) becomes better than offset. UE report A3 to eNodeB. Based on RSRP, source eNodeB initiate handover.

answer Nov 11, 2013 by Vimal Kumar Mishra
+1 vote

Depending on the eNB configuration, it can tell the UE for reporting RSRP/RSRQ/both.
Pre rel9 supports only RSRP.

answer Nov 11, 2013 by Chandra Javalkar
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