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Why JSF is not so popular as MVC framework like Spring MVC, even though its older?

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Why JSF is not so popular as MVC framework like Spring MVC, even though its older?
posted Sep 21, 2017 by Pooja Singh

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1 Answer

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  • There are many implementations of JSF like Mojarra, Primefaces,
    Richfaces etc which makes it difficult for the user to comprehend
    learn and adapt to whereas Spring MVC has only one implementation
    maintained by a Single group of developers which avoids confusion.
  • Spring has got great integration with data management through
    standalone or ORM frameworks out of the box which is lacking in JSF
    based implementation.
  • DI and IOC design patterns makes it very easy to integrate existing
    legacy applications with new Spring based applications whereas JSF
    does not have such kind of capabilities.
  • JSF is a component based framework whereas Spring is a
    Request-Response based framework and hence easy to understand and
    relates closely to MVC, Struts2 and other similar frameworks
answer Sep 22, 2017 by Mantosh Dubey