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Difference between synchronous and asynchronous interrupt ?

+4 votes

I am getting confused between trap and interrupt. As trap is software driven and interrupt is hardware originated. Every instruction of a program get executed in CPU then how trap and interrupt differs ? A detailed example can help out me. Thanks in advance.

posted Sep 29, 2013 by Neeraj Mishra

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Interrupt is a very generic term. There are two types of interrupt occurs in system, one through software and another one through hardware. Suppose a programer has written such a statement in his/her program which causes interrupt in the system i.e called synchronous interrupt or software interrupt like division by 0. Another class of interrupt is generated in system due to hardware like I/O interrupt, Hard disk. Hardware interrupt comes under class of "asynchronous interrupt" like you pressed Ctrl-C.

answer Sep 29, 2013 by Vikram Singh
+1 vote

1.Synchronous Interrupts (also know on as software interrupts)
- Synchronous Interrupts are generated by CPU's control unit on facing some abnormal condition; these are also know as exception in Intel's terminology. These are interrupts which are generated by CPU itself either when CPU detects an abnormal condition or CPU executes some of the special instructions like 'int' or 'int3' etc.
2.Asynchronous Interrupts (also know as hardware interrupts)
- On other hand, Asynchronous Interrupts are those, which actually are generated by outside world (devices connected to CPU), As these interrupts can occur at any point of time, these are known as Asynchronous interrupts.

answer Oct 1, 2013 by Satyabrata Mahapatra
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Can someone please explain using any example ?
