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Is there a Fedora equivalent to Ubuntu's Linux-Image-Virtual kernel?

+1 vote

Is there a virtualized guest kernel for Fedora as there is Linux-Image-Virtual for Ubuntu?

posted Sep 24, 2013 by Sonu Jindal

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3 Answers

+1 vote

No, there isn't. As far as I know Fedora kernel team is looking at creating one for F21 and beyond.

answer Sep 24, 2013 by Abhay Kulkarni
+1 vote

its not worth the maintaince burden because the only difference is the install size - kernel drivers are modules and not loaded

answer Sep 24, 2013 by anonymous
+1 vote

Fedora's current kernels are universal, at least official ones.

answer Sep 24, 2013 by Bob Wise
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In Fedora , running "which AliasName" shows the alias.

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$alias myAlias='echo test'

$which myAlias
alias myAlias='echo test'

In Ubuntu, this does not work.

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$which myAlias

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enable-auto-props = yes

*.xml = svn:eol-style=native; svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision

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svn add my.xml
svn: E200009: Can't set 'svn:eol-style': file '/data/mysvn/trunk/my.xml' has binary mime type property

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Where it *looks* like the VM shuts down, but the VMM window shows "f20 Running"

Should I expect a different result? I was expecting the VMM window to show that that VM was Stopped or something.
