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WiFI calling over trusted(TWAG/S2a) network.

+3 votes

As per my knowledge, WiFI calling is supported over untrusted(using ePDG/S2b) networks from Rel 10 onwards.
But I am not sure about WiFi over trusted(TWAG/S2a) networks and having few doubts.

  1. Is VoWiFI is supported over trusted(using TWAG or S2a) networks, if not then what are the limitation?
  2. Is LTE to WiFI handover supported over S2a interface(TWAG) ?

Any help, pointers will be appreciated.

posted Apr 27, 2016 by Sarjit Singh

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1 Answer

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Yes LTE to Wifi handover is supported over S2A interface
Kindly refer TS 23.402 page number 264.

Also Vowifi is possible on S2A but no idea about limitation

answer Apr 27, 2016 by anonymous
thanks a lot
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