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WAP in C to find area and circumference of circle

+2 votes

Newbie to C, please help ??

posted Jan 30, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

use this function to calculate both area and circumference of a circle and to print:

void CalculateAreaCirculferenceOfCircle_techQH(double RadiusOfCircle)
  printf("Area of Circle=%lf",3.14*RadiusOfCircle*RadiusOfCircle);
  printf("Circumference of Circle=%lf,2*3.14*RadiusOfCircle);

else you want a function then try :

double CalculateArea_TechQH(double RadiusOfCircle)
 return 3.14*RadiusOfCircle*RadiusOfCircle;

double CalcuateCircumferenceOfCircle(double RadiusOfCircle)
  return 2*3.14*RadiusOfCircle;
answer Apr 28, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey
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