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Why should I use new instead of trustworthy old malloc()?

+2 votes
Why should I use new instead of trustworthy old malloc()?
posted Dec 23, 2014 by Alwaz

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1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Constructors/destructors, type safety, overridability.

Constructors/destructors: unlike malloc(sizeof(Fred)), new Fred() calls Fred's constructor. Similarly, delete p calls *p's destructor.

Type safety: malloc() returns a void* which isn't type safe. new Fred() returns a pointer of the right type (a Fred*).

Overridability: new is an operator that can be overridden by a class, while malloc() is not overridable on a per-class basis.

answer Dec 24, 2014 by Mohammed Hussain
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+4 votes

I believe option 1 is more correct, dont know why?

1) int *p = malloc(sizeof(int)*l);
2) int *p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*l);