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Workflow migration: retain persistent values?

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When I migrate workflows from Development repository to Production repository, there is a chekc box "Retain persistent mapping variable values.." in migration wizard. What happens if I check this box? Does it keep e.g. values in the production environment or does it replace these values from the Development repository?

posted Dec 15, 2014 by Amit Sharma

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1 Answer

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If you check the option Retain persistent values for mapping variables, the existing values from the target folder will be kept.
Otherwise, they will be replaced with values from the source folder.

Quote from the Repository Guide:

Retain persistent values for mapping variables. You can choose to retain existing values or replace them with values from the source folder. 

Retain persistent values for workflow variables. You can choose to retain existing values or replace them with values from the source folder.
answer Dec 18, 2014 by Shweta Singh
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