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password protect file in python

0 votes

I was wondering if there was a couple of words or things i could add to the top of my python script to password protect it so that it asks user for the password and then after three tries it locks them out or says "access denied" and closes/ends the script but if they get it wright it proceeds on to the next line of the script total noob here any help appreciated

posted Jul 1, 2013 by anonymous

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class Addon(object):
    def __init__(self):

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        # examine request here 

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For Example

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import time
import sys
import logging
import plaftform.cluster
from util import run

def main():
 """ ---MAIN--- """

if __name__ == '__main__':

In the above example :

I am guessing may be the python modules like os , shlex etc come first and later the user defined modules like import plaftform.cluster etc

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