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Can't start in graphical mode or select desktop after software uninstall in Fedora

+1 vote

So I wanted to remove libimobiledevices since I *though* I was the one who'd installed it and it was no longer needed (I'm ditching the iPod).

I typed
sudo yum remove blahblah

where blahblah was the actual package name for libimobiledevices.

All of a sudden, I saw it removing all sorts of stuff I didn't want to: blueman, banshee, empathy, etc. It then dropped me to a terminal screen where it had started blueman again. It stayed there.

Finally, I restarted the computer and it only starts at runlevel 3 (non-graphical mode). I have to log in and type startx every time to bring up the desktop. BUT, it only automatically starts GNOME3 and not
XFCE. I also have no way to select XFCE as I no longer get the login screen in graphical mode. It just starts the desktop.

How can I fix this? Did I just do something that will require me to reinstall my system?

Oh, I also tried to do

sudo yum install libimobiledevices and it told me that it was already installed.

posted May 14, 2013 by anonymous

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Try using startxfce4 instead.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Check /var/log/yum.log to find out all the packages that were removed. Most likely the list will clue you in as to what needs to be restored.

BTW, yum remove would have listed what it was going to remove before actually doing it. You didn't use -y did you? :-)

answer May 14, 2013 by anonymous
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