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How NAS and NSP deliver the services to mobile in Wi-Max?

+2 votes

NAP: Network Access Provider
NSP: Network Service Provider

posted May 30, 2014 by Samardeep Acharya

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1 Answer

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NAP provides operations help to network, required by the Wi-Max for one or more NSPs.

NSP provides IP connection based WiMAX services according to the agreements entered with the WiMAX terminal uses at the service layer.

  • As a result, the NSP can enter an agreement with other ASPs or ISPs to provide specific services. In the roaming mode, the NSP must enter an agreement with other NSPs.

  • When a mobile terminal is located in the area served by the NSP beyond the home NSP, the NSP that provides the services for the terminal is called V-NSP. The CSN belongs to the NSP.

answer Jun 9, 2014 by Vikram Luthra
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