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Hadoop vs Ceph and GlusterFS

+1 vote

I am working on a write-up of Hadoop, Ceph and GlusterFS and was wondering if you could chime in with some benefits of Hadoop over the other two?
I know Hadoop is widely used by the likes of Yahoo, Google and Facebook. Are there benefits in scaling, management etc?

posted Dec 28, 2013 by Sanketi Garg

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Would it not be better to compare HDFS as the others are distributed file systems?
That is actually what were doing, comparing the Hadoop file system to Ceph and GlusterFS. Just looking for some input from the field as that what you experts see as the strengths of HDFS over Ceph and GlusterFS.

1 Answer

+1 vote

May i also suggest benchmarking against qfs (the Quantcast FileSystem, formerly kosmosfs)?

It's a high performance native (c++) drop in replacement for hdfs and works extremely well with hadoop. It ships with hdfs java api bindings as well as native bindings for a number of dynamic languages, including python.

One of the main strengths of qfs over the other filesystems you are evaluating is that it makes use of configurable Reed-Solomon encoding to improve the storage-to-fault tolerance relationship while maintaining best of class performance. It also supports appends. With respect to setup, it'svery easy to build and install.

answer Dec 28, 2013 by anonymous
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