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What is OLE Object in Excel?

+1 vote

Why it is required?

posted Sep 29, 2018 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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OLE is supported by many different programs, and OLE is used to make content that is created in one program available in another program. For example, you can insert an Office Word document in an Office Excel workbook. To see what types of content that you can insert, click Object in the Text group on the Insert tab.
OLEObject represents an activex control or a linked or embedded ole object on a worksheet

answer Nov 29, 2018 by Venkatesh Reddy
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I'm using Office 2010 and now I cannot edit existing query and Parameter both buttons are grayed out. Below are the steps I followed.

My requirement is to fetch the data from oracle database from Excel. by passing the three parameters.
1. string
2 and 3 are Date parameters.

steps followed to archive:

  1. setup-ed the ODBC connection in Control panel.
  2. Now back to Excel, open any excel workbook and select Data > From Other Sources > From Data Connection Wizard
  3. selected --> Other Advanced and then “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle”
  4. updated the connection string
  5. and Command text as
    SELECT * FROM xx_salinfo a, xx_ivcinfo b
    WHERE a.num =
    AND a.status = NVL(Upper(''''||?||'''',a.status ) -- parameter1
    AND so_wr_dt BETWEEN NVL(''''||?'||''', 01-JAN-05) AND NVL(''''||?||'''', 01-JAN-15) -- parameter2 and 3

But from here I have problem "Edit Query" and "Parameters.." both were grayed out. so im not able to pass/tag the cells values into the parameters.

please help me , how to fix it.

Note: This works fine without parameters. So, nothing wrong in steps.

