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Does ENB uses different SS for each channel or is it fixed for all the channel in NR?

+1 vote
Does ENB uses different SS for each channel or is it fixed for all the channel in NR?
posted May 29, 2018 by Dheerendra

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2 Answers

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SS/PBCH will have different sub carrier spacing and PDSCH and PUSCH is having different sub carrier spacing.
SS 240 is not applicable for PDSCH adn PUSCH and SS 60 is not applicable for SS/PBCH blocks.

answer Jun 12, 2018 by Jaganathan
0 votes

SS should be same for a particular cell but the SSB index changes, uniquely identifying it within an SS Burst Set.

answer May 16, 2019 by Faisal Adeem Siddiqui
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