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Licensing of MySQL

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Licensing of MySQL                                  


 MySQL  is available under two licensing schemes. They are:


1. General Public License (GPL): Applies to developers who use, and/or distribute open source software under the GPL.

2. Commercial License: Applies to developers who only use MySQL to develop their own executables and not the source code.

  • A database stores data in a structured format. A Database Management System is responsible to store, access, and delete data from a database.
  • MySQL is an open source RDBMS. It was developed and distributed by MySQL AB, which is now owned by Oracle.
  • There are many commercial Relational Database Management Systems available, such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL, and Sybase that support most of the data management features.
  • MySQL works on different operating systems, such as Mac OS X, Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
  • Unlike in traditional Database Management Systems that are proprietary, in open source software, you can modify the source code to customize the features.
  • PHP is a scripting language that enables interaction with a database. You can use PHP and MySQL to store and manage data on the web.
  • In order to run a PHP script, you will need to install a web server, PHP and MySQL.
  • Open-source software licenses allow you to read, access, change, and reuse the source code of a software product.
  • MySQL is available under General Public License and Commercial License.

Benefits of Integration

  • Easy to use for your customer
  • Zero maintenance for MySQL database
  • Simplifies your support
  • More cost effective licensing model (“Embedded Software License”)
posted Nov 13, 2017 by Jon Deck

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Advantages of MySQL Over Other RDBMS

There are many commercial Database Management System such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Sybase available in the market. These Database Management Systems are robust, reliable, and support most of the features that a user wants. However, it is impossible for these databases to complete with MySQL with regards to price, as MySQL is available for free. In addition, for commercial Database Management System, the initial setup cost is more expensive, resource intensive, and timing consuming, whereas with MySQL, this is not the case. This is one of the key advantages of MySQL.


Also, as the source for MySQL is fully available, you can customize MySQL as require. There are many troubleshooting techniques, command help, and syntax help that are available. This information is available in blogs, forums, and lists that do not require paid subscriptions. However, thoubleshooting techniques, command help, and syntax help for commercial databases may require a paid subscription.

Typically, open source software tends to be updated more frequently than commercial software because many users contribute to its development. As a result, new features are available more often than for commercial databases.

MySQL provides different versions that work on different versions of Linux, UNIX, Microsoft, Windows, and other operating systems. MySQL also supports various built-in and third-party GUI tools for faster and easier design implementation and administration.

Following are the other advantages that MySQL offers over other RDBMS:

  • Reliable: Supports tables that can store and handle large number of records.
  • Ease of Use: Provides a modular and flexible architecture that makes it easy to manage and customize.
  • Cross Platform Support: Supports different operating systems, such as Linux, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows.
  • Views: Supports views where data is copied into temporary or virtual tables during processing. This feature ensures data security.
  • Stored Procedures: Supports stored procedures and functions. This allows you to implement business logic at the database level.
  • Triggers: Supports triggers. This feature also enable you to implement business logic during data processing.

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