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What is the difference between Java’s old Date API and Java 8’s Date and Time API?

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What is the difference between Java’s old Date API and Java 8’s Date and Time API?
posted Nov 6, 2017 by Jon Deck

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1 Answer

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Differences between Java’s OLD Java Date API and Java 8’s Date and Time API:

  JAVA’S OLD JAVA DATE API                               JAVA 8’S DATE AND TIME API

1. Available before Java 8 too                           It is introduced in Java SE 8
2.  Not Thread Safe.                                     Thread Safe.
3.  Mutable API.                                         Immutable API.
4.  Less Performance.                                    Better Performance.
5.  Less Readability.                                    More Readability.
6.  It’s not recommended to use as its deprecated.       It’s always recommended to use.
7.  Not Extendable.                                      Easy to Extend.
8.  It’s an old API.                                     It’s a new API.
answer Nov 7, 2017 by Gn Guruswamy