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Define what is Where clause and Let clause in LINQ?

+3 votes
Define what is Where clause and Let clause in LINQ?
posted Jun 30, 2017 by Jdk

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2 Answers

0 votes

Where clause: It allows adding some conditional filters to the query.
Let clause: It allows defining a variable and assigning it a value calculated from the data values.

LINQ Query

var objresult = from emp in objEmployee
                            let totalSalary = objEmployee.Sum(sal =>  sal.Salary)
                            let avgSalary = totalSalary / 5
                            where avgSalary > emp.Salary
                            select emp;
answer Jul 4, 2017 by Shivaranjini
0 votes

Where clause: It allows us to add some conditional filters to the query.
Let clause: It allows us to define a variable and assigning it a value calculated from the data values.

 var arr = new[] { 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7 };
    var sq = from int num in arr
                    let square = num * num
                    where square > 10
                    select new { num, square };

    foreach (var a in sq)
answer May 2, 2019 by Siddhi Patel