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Security Headers Implementation in Tomcat 6.x version

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We are using Tomcat 6.x version and we need to implement the following headers in our environment.

1) Strict-Transport-Security
2) Content-Security-Policy
3) Public-Key-Pins
4) X-Frame-Options
5) X-XSS-Protection
6) X-Content-Type-Options
7) X-Robots-Tag

When I checked the Tomcat 6 version webpage (, I don't see any filters that implement any these headers. Some of them are available in Tomcat 7 version webpage (, but we cannot upgrade to Tomcat 7.x version due to some constraints.

Can you kindly guide me how to implement these headers in Tomcat 6.x version. All your comments on this topic are welcome.

posted May 29, 2017 by anonymous

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