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MongoDb LDAP support on Windows for Community Edition

0 votes

I know that in version 3.3.9 Mongodb supports LDAP on windows. So I wanted to know whether it will be available for Community Edition or it remains for the Enterprise Edition only?

posted Jul 19, 2016 by anonymous

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users = usera
admins = usera, userb
users = r

admins= r

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+1 vote

There is a simple setup for svn users authentication on the server using LDAP.

 DAV svn
 SVNListParentPath on
 SVNParentPath /path_to_data
 SVNListParentPath on
 AuthzSVNAccessFile /path_to_accessfile/accfile

 AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
 AuthType Basic
 AuthBasicProvider ldap
 AuthName "your login pls"
 AuthLDAPBindDN "blah-blah"
 AuthLDAPBindPassword "somepass"
 AuthLDAPURL "ldap://URL+DC?sub?(objectClass=*)"
 AuthzForceUsernameCase Lower
 Require valid-user

 CheckSpelling On

What I noticed is that svn server making a request for each svn URI or operation, which neither LDAP server likes nor users that could be waiting for their turn to be authenticated and see delays in svn server

Could somebody point me where the problem is? I'd expect only one authentication request from the server when user presents himself first time (or after cache expires).
