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Issue related to Deployment (Specifically Auto Deployment) in Tomcat 7

+2 votes

Here is the scenario

We have a build process setup from Jenkins tool to build and auto ftp the war file to the Webapps € folder of Tomcat.

In Tomcat we have deployed the SailPoint IdentityIQ toll which is a 300mbwar file.

Often the IdentityIQ application will be running few Tasks which take longer duration (5-6 hours)

When the application is executing the long running taks, though the war file is placed/updated in web apps, tomcat is unable to stop the application due to task execution and we are unable to stop Tomcat as well

We are forced to kill Tomcat and re trigger the Jenkins build.

I am looking on few options to configure on the Tomcat server side to check for any Active sessions OR threads running related to the application and abort the Redeployment/Auto Deployment

Will it be possible?

posted Dec 2, 2015 by anonymous

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