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Which British athlete won gold at the 2012 and 2016 Paralympics in the T44 men's 100 metres?

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Which British athlete won gold at the 2012 and 2016 Paralympics in the T44 men's 100 metres?
posted Apr 9, 2018 by Tanmay

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Jonnie Peacock
Peacock has one leg amputated below the knee. In 2017 Peacock was a contestant, and the first amputee paralympian to be one, on the TV programme "Strictly Come Dancing" which he survived until the eighth elimination. Aled Davies (with legs impaired and without prosthetics) won gold in shotput, Paul Blake (with cerebral palsy) won gold in the T36 Men's 400 metres, Richard Whitehead (both legs amputated) won gold in the T42 Men's 200 metres.

answer Apr 10, 2018 by Prachi