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Which Indian sportperson's autobiography is titled "A Shot at History"?

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Which Indian sportperson's autobiography is titled "A Shot at History"?
posted Aug 16, 2017 by anonymous

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A Shot at History: My Obsessive Journey to Olympic Gold is 2011 autobiography of Indian Olympic Gold medalist Abhinav Bindra.
In this book, Bindra tells that only hunger for success and inner desire helps anyone to achieve his or her dreams. The book also highlights the unique situation faced by an Olympic contestant. He says that a cricketer or a Professional golfer has many matches or tournaments to prove himself in a single year if he fails in one, but an Olympian has to wait 4 long years to prove himself if he fails once.
A Shot at History: My Obsessive Journey to Olympic Gold

answer Aug 17, 2017 by Snehal Raikar