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What is the role played by Parsi Gymkhana in development of Indian cricket?

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What is the role played by Parsi Gymkhana in development of Indian cricket?
posted Aug 1, 2017 by Tanmay

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The first Indian community to play cricket was the small community of the Parsis. The Parsis founded the first Indian Cricket Club, the Oriental Cricket Club in Bombay in 1848. The Parsis constructed their own gymkhana to play cricket in.They inspired other Indians to establish clubs based on religious lines.Thereafter, cricket began to be organised on communal lines which was also encouraged by the colonialists .The Quadrangular Tournament and later Pentagular tournament was played which divided India on communal lines. Hence, Parsis started a new trend in cricket.

answer Aug 2, 2017 by Sumeet Vyas