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Which soccer club holds the record for consecutive European Cup wins?

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Which soccer club holds the record for consecutive European Cup wins?
posted May 30, 2017 by Debaprasad Maity

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Real Madrid C.F. football club holds the record for consecutive European Cup wins. This club was founded in 1902 as Madrid Football Club, the club has traditionally worn a white home kit since inception. The word Real is Spanish for Royal and was bestowed to the club by King Alfonso XIII in 1920 together with the royal crown in the emblem. Real Madrid established a major force in both Spanish and European football during the 1950s, winning five consecutive European Cups and reaching the final seven times. This success was replicated in the league, where the club won five times in the space of seven years.

Real Madrid C.F. football club holds the record for consecutive European Cup wins.

answer Jun 19, 2017 by Biplab Roy