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According to the 2016 Forbes list, who is the world’s highest paid footballer?

+1 vote
According to the 2016 Forbes list, who is the world’s highest paid footballer?
posted Mar 11, 2017 by Amrita

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2 Answers

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Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are the highest paid footballers in the world. The difference between what they earn is slight. More accurately, Ronaldo earned $2 million more for producing a combined 71 goals and assists in 2015 versus Messi’s combined total of 70, and earned $3 million more for promoting his brand and sponsors to 82 million more fans than Messi has on social media.

answer Mar 20, 2017 by Anushka
0 votes

Christiano Ronaldo

answer Mar 20, 2017 by anonymous