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What is meant by Chinaman bowler in cricket?

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posted Jan 2, 2017 by Vijay

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Chinaman is rare type of bowlers in world cricket which is flooded by offspinners (who bowl right handed and turn ball off to leg to right handed batsman), left arm spinner (who bowl left handed and turn ball leg to off to right handed batsman) and some leg spinners (who bowl right handed, use plenty of wrists and turn ball from leg to off to right handed batsman).

Now Chinaman is leg spinner who bowls from left hand. This means, his deliveries turn from off to leg to right handed batsman. Its similar to right handed offspinners and left handed offspinners aka left arm spinners.

Very few chinaman bowlers have played at international level but some who come quickly in mind are Paul Adams of South Africa and Michael Bevan and Simon Katich from Australia.

answer Jan 3, 2017 by Manikandan J