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Who holds the World Record in men's Javelin Throw Event in Paralympics?

+2 votes
Who holds the World Record in men's Javelin Throw Event in Paralympics?
posted Sep 14, 2016 by Naveen Kumar

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1 Answer

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India's Devendra Jhajharia competes in the men's javelin throw F46 final of the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro Brazil Tuesday Sept. 13 2016. Jhajharia won gold and set a new world record.

Devendra Jhajharia
Devendra, whose previous best was 62.15 metres (achieved in the 2004 Games), improved the mark with an attempt of 63.97 metres at the Olympic Stadium (Engenhao).

Source: newindianexpress

answer Sep 27, 2016 by Atindra Kumar Nath