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If EELS + MARK + BEST + WARY = EASY ; What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?

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If EELS + MARK + BEST + WARY = EASY ; What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?
posted Sep 14, 2015 by Aman

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If you're good at solving puzzles, these will be easy. Every answer is a two-word phrase in which the first word begins with "BE" and the second with "ST".

Ex: A fairy tale is a popular one.
BE_ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _

1.)Nickname for Utah.
BE_ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _

2.)One jewel of horse racing's Triple Crown.
BE_ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _ _

3.)Cause of red bump on the skin.
BE_ ST_ _ _

4.)What separates Alaska from Russia.
BE _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _ _

5.)Star of "Zoolander" and "Meet the Fockers".
BE_ ST_ _ _ _ _

6.)Once a giant among the United States' metal manufacturers.
BE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ST_ _ _

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