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How many flowers did she deposit in each temple?What is the least number of flowers Mrs. Sharma must have had initially?

+1 vote

A beautiful lake was surrounded by 4 temples. When flowers are washed in the lake-water, the flowers doubled in number. On a special day, Mrs. Sharma went there with some roses. She washed the roses in the lake-water before entering each temple. In each of the temple she deposited the same number of flowers. By the time she was done with all the four temples, she had no flower left with her.
How many flowers did she deposit in each temple?
What is the least number of flowers Mrs. Sharma must have had initially to make the above possible?

posted Sep 14, 2015 by Udita

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3 Answers

0 votes

She will take 15 flowers initially, after washing them she will have 30 flowers. Out of those 30 she will deposit 16 flowers in the first temple. And then she will be having 14 flowers.

After washing 14 flowers she will have 28 flowers. Out of those 28 she will deposit 16 flowers flowers in the second temple. And then she will be having 12 flowers.

After washing 12 flowers she will have 24 flowers. Out of those 24 she will deposit 16 flowers in the third temple. And then she will be having 8 flowers.

After washing 8 flowers she will have 16 flowers. now she will deposit remaining 16 flowers in the fourth temple.

answer Sep 16, 2015 by Abhishek Kondhare
–1 vote

If she has 2 flowers initially, after washing them in the lake, She gets 4 flowers .Thus she can deposite 1 flower in each temple.
So she must have minimum 2 flowers initially.

answer Sep 15, 2015 by Jyoti Mhaske
It is clearly mentioned in the puzzle that She washed the roses in the lake-water before entering each temple.
So in this case your answer is wrong.
Yes. You are right. I missed the word "EACH" Temple. Thank you.
–1 vote

Initially she had 4 roses and after washing it became doubled. so, she should have deposited two roses at each temple

answer Sep 17, 2015 by Jaymesh Vyas

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