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Sometimes I'm orange, sometimes I'm white, sometimes I'm red, and sometimes I'm light. What am I?

+1 vote
Sometimes I'm orange, sometimes I'm white, sometimes I'm red, and sometimes I'm light. What am I?
posted Jun 9, 2015 by Pushpak Chauhan

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2 Answers (Check Answer ▼)

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0 votes

I am white, grey, blue as well
sometimes I'm wispy and others I swell
with drops of vapor from the air
When driving through me give great care.
Many shapes in me you'll see up high,
but down below they're more difficult to spy
I can ruin a day or a ball game
bring tornadoes and rain.
I swiftly cover up the light
and rumbles within can cause great fright.

What am I?

+3 votes

I'm sometimes white but always wrong.
I can break a heart and hurt the strong.
I can build love and tear it down.
I can make a smile but more often a frown.
What am i?

0 votes

I might be heavy, I might be light, I can be rusty, I can be fine. Sometimes I shine, sometimes I’m dull, sometimes I am big, and sometimes I am small. I can be pointy, I can be curved, and don’t ask me questions because even though I’m sharp, I’m not smart enough to answer you. What am I?

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I’m very tempting, so its said, I have a shiny coat of red, and my flesh is white beneath. I smell so sweet, taste good to eat, and help to guard your teeth. What am I ?
